Short stories aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, so if you’re not a fan then by all means skip ahead and ignore this section. I’m actually going to begin in a place that not everyone’s going to be keen on, but which harks back to where I started myself – the wonderful world of short stories. This is obviously all informed by my tastes and reading history, but I’ve put together a list of good places to start. Where to start? It’s a really good question. Add to that countless trilogies, goodness knows how many standalone books and over twenty years worth of short stories.
The Ciaphas Cain series by Sandy Mitchell runs to nine novels, one novella and assorted audios and short stories.The Beast Arises is a twelve book series.

Dan Abnett’s Gaunt’s Ghosts series currently comprises fifteen books (thirteen novels & two anthologies), split into four separate story arcs.The Space Marine Battles series contains somewhere in the region of forty novels, novellas & audios.

What about someone who’s only just getting into 40k, though? Or even someone who’s just happened to have seen the great cover art and fancies having a go? It’s probably tricky even figuring out which book to start with within a single series, never mind which one to start with overall, so it must be a pretty daunting proposition if you haven’t got someone to introduce you and give you somewhere to start. I’m more familiar with the 40k universe than I am with pretty much any other setting, so it’s easy to forget that there can be a lot of assumed knowledge in these stories. Why is it such an interesting question? Well personally I can get stuck into pretty much any 40k story with a fair amount of confidence that I’ll know what’s going on, simply because I’ve been reading stories set in the grim darkness of the far future for over twenty years (my copy of Inquisitor by Ian Watson was published in 1993!). That’s actually a really interesting question which I thought deserved more of an answer than I could give on Twitter, so here I’m going to have a go at answering it in a bit more detail. Someone asked me on Twitter recently if I’d written anything about where to get started with reading Black Library books, for someone just getting into Warhammer 40,000. The show that we’ve seen the most of so far is Angels of Death, a 10-part animated series, with 10-minute episodes, focusing on the Space Marine chapter known as the Blood Angels.EDITED 24th June 2017 with the inclusion of 40k 8th Edition The majority of stories do seem to focus on 40K and its vast setting of aliens and empires, but there are a few glimpses at scenes from the current Age of Sigmar setting as well. There’s a wide variety of stories on offer, from 2D animation to 3D that aims for photorealism. Now those creators are forming the core of the company’s attempt to participate in the streaming wars. Games Workshop has spent the last few years courting fan artists such as Richard Boylan and Syama Pedersen, who had created high-profile YouTube series independently. Games Workshop teased part of this project back in March when it announced just a few titles from the launch lineup. There are 11 titles announced so far, with standouts such as Astartes 2, Altar of Wrath, Interrogator, and Blacktalon. It will be loaded with animated series from the British company’s flagship science-fiction universe, as well as the Warhammer Fantasy universe. Warhammer Plus is a new streaming service from Games Workshop, publisher of tabletop games in settings such as Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000.